Thursday, October 23, 2008

PIcture Tag! If You're Reading This, You're IT!

The rules of the game: go to your "Pictures" Folder and take the fourth picture from your fourth folder and post it; then write a little bit about it--it's fun!

As for the picture above.....really it's from my fifth folder "Bryce Canyon", and it's actually not even the fourth picture, but it's probably my favorite picture from our little jaunt throughout Bryce.  (My fourth folder has only three pictures of me counting coins....a once favorite pastime of my childhood).  That's Shelley Barrett, a good friend and past roommate, Christy my sister, and moi.  A much more talented and knowledgeable photographer used my little digital camera to take this picture through a natural tunnel on the Peek-a-Boo Loop trail.  Pretty awesome, if you ask me!

We also stopped by Zion's on our trip this past April--we were taking our own spring break--and thus the picture below from Weeping Rock.  It's not raining in the background, that's just the drippy waterfall from the weeping rock.

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