Sunday, November 16, 2008

O Remember, Remember

At this time of year, a glance back has gotten me to think about a few things that I'm grateful for in my life.  While it is custom to take time once each year, to look back as Thanksgiving approaches, the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Native Americans took many occasions to give thanks for the simple bounties that their God bestowed upon them.  It is something that I hope to take time to do a bit more in my own life; it influences my own relationship with Heavenly Father, helping me to humble myself and recognize my dependence upon Him.

As a bit of a history treat and a way to remember our loving Eternal Father's hand in our lives, and His continued outpouring of blessings upon this promised land, I decided to find some of the original official Thanksgiving Proclamations made by William Bradford, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln in the United States.  Enjoy, and give thanks!